Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I am doing things to do
things I am doing things
with my friends, not doing
things I am doing things
to do things I am doing

alone. And this is why
I want to be doing things
I am doing things I am doing
with you. I am not doing things
I am doing things I am going

to do alone. I don't take
pictures of me doing things
I should be doing things
I am doing things alone.
I am taken in pictures of me

doing things I am doing things
I should be doing things with you.
I have wanted to be doing things
for myself and end up doing
things with others things
I should be doing things I do alone.

I have wanted friends to be
doing things I should be doing
things to be doing things alone.
Together I cannot be doing things
I should be doing things

I could be doing things alone.
Together I cannot be doing I.

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