Saturday, February 14, 2004

Thanks to Josh Corey, Cahiers de Corey, for the comments about my recent posts. And he is right on about Menne's review and blogging. I plan on using Dagzine to post whatever I am in the mood to write about in order to write daily: poetry, stories, fragments, lists, and critical work. I tend to write in bursts of hammers--just comes out like it does. Some days it's a poem others it reeks of manifesto. Always been my weak point: Bursting into rather than simply opening. Yet, it is always pleasing. Nevertheless, informal or formal, writing is always personal and political to some extent; hence, serious. It transverses both private and public spaces. I like Josh's idea about the "free blurb". I think I come close to that with my "list for John Englestuch" post below.

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