Wednesday, December 29, 2004

from Councourse G, Gate 22

*Well, we are now attempting to get home from Minneapolis to Denver; hopefully, all will work out and we'll be sitting on the couch with our animals this evening. Andrea has a latte and I a mocha.

*Susan Sontag dies at 71. From what I have read, so far, the press will botch her obits as successfully they did Derrida's. She will be encased as the scholar who criticized US reaction to 9/11. Grossly misrepresenting the significance of her work nevermind the real crux of her critique in the _New Yorker_.

*For any local readers: I will dj New Year's Eve at The Red Room, 10pm-2am. No door charge. Look for fliers about DJ 6d8 bringing in the New Year with a Freakbeat Soundtrack in 4/4 time. The Red Room is on Colfax between Grant and Logan. I will drop my gear off at around four on Friday and then head over to Peter and Karla's for the early moments of their celebration.

*Will be at the CEA and Narrative conferences in April, in Indianapolis and Louisville respectively. Papers on Mary Robinson and Spike Lee. Talk about difference.

1 comment:

totalvo said...

Derrida is "dead" so sorry we missed you on NYE .. i have some more music gear lets hang out soon.. sounds like you two had a messy trip.